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    Monday, July 20, 2009

    Morning,First thing i saw on the bus was the Stalker.Whom Ilina was trying to tell me.She kept trying vvvv hard to give us eyes contact.Then,when she look at us.She tend to laugh,stupid pevert.Waited for Amanda.The stupid stalker refuse,to go back her class.During,Cpa time.I seat with Jasmine Ng.Had alot of laughter with her.And while we doing our work.We doodle on each others hands.Super funny,right Jasmine Ng.It has been ages since i last played with her.Now my hands have super much doodling.I luvvvv it,But if Daddy sees it.He claim it a Tatoo.Crazzzzy Daddy.After school,stay-ed back.Play water fight,with Jiali,Jasmine Ng,Liselotte and Amanda Neo.Super fun,It has been like ages since we last played water fight.I show you one video,and please tag me your reaction.

    Should,i leave my blog on how it is now.Don't post anymore thing.Because,Pre-lim are liek less then 3 weeks,and N-level.Are stress,sometimes it feels like it tomorrow.And you are no ready for it.How,I'm like EVERYDAY blogging about my stupid/boring/dumb/crazy/lifeless/shit/killer/death life.Omgggg,and i should be studying not facing the computer screen and blog about all my stupid action.Howwwwwww,should i promise myself i must study more then 2-3 hours.But how can i.Looking at the books that are starting to pile everyday,paper are flying everywhere.Pens are not on the go.Brain are not switch on.Eyes are stating at the computer.Hands are shaking whenever it comes to homework/study.How do you want me to sit down and do my homework for that long.Maybe i should really motive myself.I need motivation.When i sit down for like 5-10 min i give up.Fcup,i can't what am i suppose to do.SHARONSHARONSHARONSHARONSHARONSHARON,Motive yourself.Maybe,i should study one subject a day.And maybe ablout the computer part.I must TRY to use less then an hour.Goahxxxz,It seem like a daylight killer.Don't you think so.I must forcus now,and not playing a fool.Why,am i playing a fool.When days,are reaching.And you can hear teacher always saying you have less then 3 weeks,After that we be 2 weeks,after that will be 1 week.Then,that the vvvvv day.i got to get ready my coffin.I'm reallyreally scarec.I think,if i don't die on pre-lim.'N' level will reallyreally the day.Remember,to visit my tomb okay people.I don't know why i got this feeling rushing through my veins that make my heart beat like faster then it normal speed.It seem like something going to happen.What will happen.Omgggg,I really got to take my book and sit down and start everything up.Maybe it will slight to late now.But at least there is something you learn better then staring at the computer EVERYDAY.Doing the same routine.When you can spend the hours of your computer time to studies.Time,is precious now.And i'm wasting it like nobody busniess.Because,i not motived.Damn it,if i contuine facing the computer everyday and not doing my work.I know the outcome of my exam will be horrible.So,from today onwards i'm going to work double harder in every subject.Even,if i don't like two of the class.I still got to study hard for it.

    Life,is getting meaningess.Everything,seem to be haywire.Or is it me,that is confused in everything.I leaving this world maybe for a moment.Or for the rest of my life.Maybe,when i'm gone.You all will never notice.Crying yourself to sleep,thinking about every moment spent it turning into a nightmare soon.Maybe,some words are meant to be put in that person mouth.I lost a friend,i lost every moment i spend with her.I miss,every laughter will did/every silly things we did together/every mini-fight which we laugh at/every time,i will told you not to look at tm/sometimes,i can read your mind and you will ask me how i know.Must we really end this.Sometimes,i ask who am i.I don't know where is the Sharon heading to.The wrong path or the right one.Am i lost.I don't know.Why am i always crying everynight.I wish sometimes,things will turn out the correct way but i guess it will never.I wish i can be some where,where nobody knows me.And leave all the un-happy things here.Laughing all the time,does not help sometimes.Maybe it times,to wake up and not leaving in the world of.I got to race reailty.Fake smile,fake laughter,fake me.Bye.


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